In the area of tension between knowlege, harmony and truth.
Placed on a stack of newspapers amounting to the height of 31.5 inch there thrones heroically a typewriter. On closer examination it is strinking that its not a conventional typwriter, but an electronic scrap machnine.
Countless cables connect the key levers below the keyboard. On the back of the keyboard the artist installed a printed circuit board (PCB) which originated from a synthesizer designed particularly for kids. The platen was substituted by a speaker. Its amplifier was instald below the machine.
Over the Scriptural Disharmonicum there is a music stand. Martin Gut placed an old book on the subject of morality onto it. If someone writes on the Scriptural Disharmonicum, then every typed letter is represented by a sound. Whatever one attempts to write, it always sounds disharmonic.
Translation of a text by J. Hekhoff
Title: Scriptdisharmonikum
Artist: Martin Gut
Year: 2006
Material used: a typewriter, a book, newspapers, a music stand, speakers, amplifiers, a sythesizer, transformators, switches, cable, jacks, cable ties, swrews, glue, adhesive tape
height: 52.36 inch, width: 14.17 inch, depth: 23.62 inch
Type: art object, electronic scrap machine, mechatronic art
Scriptdisharmonikum Postal Card A6 for CHF 4.- incl. shipping (Switzerland), order.
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Scriptdisharmonikum, Photographs, Martin Gut & Connie Marbach